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- Lipusch, N., Bretschneider, U., & Leimeister, J. M. (2016). Backer Empowerment in Crowdfunding: How Participation beyond Funding Influences Support Behavior.
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Maier, T., Gronich, S., Rickert, A. K., & Lipusch, N., (2017). Text Mining in Ideencommunities: Gestaltungsempfehlungen eines Text Mining Artefakts zur Unterstützung der Ideenevaluation. In: Wirtschaftsinformatikkonferenz (WI), St. Gallen, Schweiz
- Dellermann, D., Lipusch, N., & Ebel, P.A., (forthcoming). Crowd-based Incubation: A new Pathway to Support Entrepreneurship. In: ISPIM. ISPIM, 2017.
- Lipusch, N., Ebel, P. A., Dellermann, D., & Bretschneider, U., (forthcoming). Customer Feedback for Startups – A Process Model and Research Agenda.In: ISPIM. ISPIM, 2017.
- Bretschneider, U., & Leimeister, J. M. (2017). Not just an ego-trip: Exploring backers’ motivation for funding in incentive-based crowdfunding. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems.
- Dellermann, D., Lipusch, N., & Ebel, P. A., (forthcoming). Developing Design Principles for a Service System for Crowd-Based Business Model Validation. 12th International Conference, DESRIST 2017, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Dellermann, D., Lipusch, N., & Ebel, P. A., (forthcoming). Entrepreneurship at the Interface: How Crowdsourcing Can Support Opportunity Creation. Academy of Management Proceedings (Volume 2017), Atlanta
- Lipusch, N., Dellermann, D., & Ebel, P. A., (forthcoming). Using Crowdfunding for Start-up Evaluation: How Task Representation influences Prediction Accuracy of the Crowd. Proceedings of the 25thEuropean Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).